Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Gabby has been nervous for the past couple of days about starting school. On Monday we walked there to find out what room she would be in and who her teacher was. We also found out a girl from her class last year was going to be in her class this year. This Morning she was really excited to go to school. Kevin, Avalynn, Nathan and I all walked her to school. We were able to go into her class with her. They gave her a name tag she wears around her neck. Then we put her bag in her cubby. She found her name on one of the tables and got to sit down and play with playdough as the other kids were getting there. I hugged her goodbye and then we left. She was so brave and happy to be there. I was worried about her all day and kept wondering what she was doing and if she was okay. I had a non stress test and didn't quite make it back in time to pick her up but I walked to meet Kevin and the kids on their way back. She ran to me and hugged me and started telling me all about her day. She loved her class and teacher. She had so much fun and cannot wait to go back tomorrow. She kept telling me it was "The best day ever." The only parts she didn't like is that they keep her blanket for rest time at school and she cannot bring it home every day. Also she said she didn't like Gym because they made her run too much, lol. Here are some pictures of my baby girl on her first day.
Nathan was so excited to see Gabby when they picked her up. He gave her a big hug and then he hugged her a lot all afternoon. Then later on they watched Diego together.

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