Thursday, July 22, 2010

Small pregnancy update

I had my 20 week appointment today. The doctor said that everything from the ultrasound looked great. The baby's heart rate today was 153. The Fundal height was 20 which is what it should be. My blood pressure was great at 114/70. I have gained 19 pounds so far. My next ultrasound in August 11th and the next appointment is Augusat 12.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

20 week Ultrasound

As soon as the Ultrasound Tech put the scanner on my stomach the first thing that popped into view was right between the baby's legs. I knew immediately that it was a boy! She asked "Do you want to know the sex?" and I said Yes and she said "Looks like a boy". Then I said "Yeah I thought it looked like it!" I can't believe how excited I was to hear that! I actually had tears going down my cheeks. I was not hoping for a boy or girl either way. I think It just made me so happy because every one else has said they are hoping for a boy this time. The baby weighs around 13 ounces right now. I go back for another ultrasound on August 11th because she could not get good enough face and profile shots to get certain measurements. We are going to name him Nathan James. Here are the pictures.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Make a guess on the sex of our baby!

I did this with my girls. It is fun to see what everyone guesses and who is the closest. My DD # 1 was born 1 week before my due date at 7# 14 oz 19 1/2 inches. My second DD was born 3 days before my due date at 9#2oz 20 3/4 in. Might help with your guesses to know when they were born and how much they weighed.
My Due date is December 7th.I have an ultrasound on Wednesday next week so Only one week left to get your guess in! It will be closed to new guesses next Tuesday! If it does not take you right to our poll type in bootsbaby3 on the left hand side where it says game name. Then on the right hand side click Enter a guess.

19 weeks

Nothing much to report. I have been feeling pretty good. The baby is starting to kick a lot. We have an ultrasound next Wednesday at 11:15. We have decided to find out the sex after all. Gabby keeps telling everyone that the baby is a boy. When we ask her why she thinks it is a boy she will say "Because I already have a baby sister."  I have tried explaining that she can have more then one sister but she really wants a brother. Now that we will find out the sex we can let her know what we are having before the baby comes. Avalynn does not seem to understand at all that she is going to have a new sibling. I think she will go through some jealously. She is very jealous when Gabby is cuddling me so I think she will really be when I am nursing the baby and not giving her my full attention. 
We are going on Vacation soon. I have been busy getting ready for that and can't wait! We are going to North Carolina Outer Banks!
Here is the baby bump at 18 1/2 weeks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The creek

Yes it is the "Creek" although some people refer to it as the "Crick". It really doesn't matter what we call it though. I have so many great childhood memories of playing in the creek. My twin sister and I used to build all kinds of bridges and Dam in the creek that was near our house when we were growing up. Then when we were early teens we used to take the kids we were babysitting to play there. They loved it too. There is so much to explore and things are never quite the same every time you go back. There may be more water, less water or sometimes even no water. You can find all kinds of fossils and neat rocks. Sometimes you see animals like deer, crayfish, minnows and birds. I love taking my girls there and I hope that they will have as many good memories of the creek as I do. Today we went and found a deep swimming spot. It is probably about 5 feet deep.

July 4, 2010

Every year my parents have a party at their pond on the 4th of July. This year it was very hot! The pond got a LOT of use! 

My mom and Aunt Cindy cooked the meat. Hotdogs and Hamburgers for everyone except Shelly and I had Veggie Burgers. Everyone brought a salad or dessert. There were so many to choose from. Everything tasted so good!
There were quite a few people. Most of them are relatives but also some of my parents friends.
When it started to cool down a little we did some fishing. There were a lot of bass caught by my sister shelly, and my sister Angela. A couple of the kids caught some too, I personally did not have any luck.
It was a great day to celebrate our Country's Birth!
God Bless the USA!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why I Love Bleach Pens and White Clothes for Kids!

This is the shirt Avalynn wore yesterday. The stains were mostly watermelon, brownie and  from the Sandbox. This morning I used my bleach pen on the worst spots. Let it sit for about 5 minutes, rinsed in Warm water, machine washed on cold and now it looks great! I will probably start buying MORE white clothes for the girls because they are so much easier to get the stains out of!

You can click on Any of the Pictures to enlarge them.

Right after I put the shirt on her yesterday.

After wearing the shirt.

After applying bleach pen and machine washing on cold.