Saturday, October 5, 2013

Kendall 1 Year Check up

Kendall had her checkup almost a Month late since she will be 13 Months on Sunday. She had blood drawn to check her Iron and Lead Levels and had a couple shots. She weighed in at 16 pounds 14 ounces (8th%) and 28 Inches (8th%). She can pull up to stand hanging on to things and has tried taking a step but is not really cruising around yet and refuses to take a step if you hold her hands. She can crawl now and even crawl up stairs. She eats pretty well but for the most part still prefers baby foods, yogurt, cheese and dry cereal. She is still nursing also and has some Formula. She does not like Cow Milk which is fine since she is getting Calcium from other sources. She loves crawling around following her sisters and brother. Nathan just loves her and is always hugging her and kissing her. He calls her his baby. Kendall is starting to get a little attitude. If she wants something she will screech and let you know! We have started cutting down on when she can have her pacifier. She has it in the car and when sleeping. She is my only baby who has ever taken one past 6 months and I have to admit it is really nice to have at times!!
Here is a picture of her from today!