Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Kevin had to work this afternoon so he couldn't eat dinner with us. My Mom sent him a piece of pie for his dinner at work tonight and I brought home leftovers but it's not the same without him there with us. I am Thankful that he has this job though and that is just how it has to be this year. 

Before dinner my Mom and I took the kids and dogs for a nice walk. Then we went back and I gave the kids a bath and got them dressed.  

We finished up the food and ended up eating around 5:30. Nathan fell asleep right before dinner which was easier on me since I don't have a high chair at my Parent's house.  It was just My Mom, Dad, sister Angela and My Aunt Corrine, My kids and Me there.   My sister Shelly came over a little later and we looked at all the Ads. She is going to pick some stuff up for me. I have not gone out on Black Friday since I had my kids so I just have someone else pick stuff up for me if I see anything I want.

We had a Good time, I just wish my Husband could have been there with us.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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