Friday, November 4, 2011

Nathan 11 Months!

I am a day late but Yesterday Nathan turned 11 Months old! I cannot believe how fast time is flying! He is walking about 5 steps at a time now. He can stand for about a half minute and then gently sits himself down. He is so funny and has a sense of humor already!
He is a big time trouble maker most of the time but we love him so much! His favorite things to do are wrestle around with his sister's, take off his clothes, get into my cupboards and pull everything out, pull books off the book shelf and rip them or eat them, and pull all the DVD's off from the shelf! 
He still does not sleep through the night! I am so tired most of the time. I think he is actually getting worse with waking up. He wants to nurse every couple hours through the night and I think it is because during the day he is so busy he doesn't want to slow down to nurse. He is eating quite a bit of solids now so I am going to have to try to cut back on him nursing so much so I can get some sleep.
It's hard to believe this time next Month I will have a 1 year old!!
Here are some recent pictures of him

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