Friday, November 4, 2011

Pre-K Week 8

She has now gone 8 weeks without wearing the same outfit twice. She does not want to wear something she has worn before but she is running out of things to wear so she probably only has 2 weeks left before she will have to repeat outfits. She does have some Winter/Christmas stuff to wear after Thanksgiving.
It was an early dismissal day so I picked her up at noon. Then later on we went trick or treating.

This picture was taken after she went today and she was a mess, lol!
Kevin was off from work so after Gabby got out of school we all went to a park and then did some shopping. It was such a warm day! We are all loving this nice Weather!
I picked her up a half an hour early today because I had to go to the store and I was afraid I wouldn't make it back in time. Then when my Mom got out of work we all went to her house to walk and cook out for dinner.
Gabby is doing really well in school. She still loves going and she now recognizes all the letters in her name.

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