Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Duggar's Annouce #20, My take on it.

It seems like every time the Duggar's announce they are having another baby there is an uproar about it. I really don't see why everyone gets so mad.  It really isn't up to anyone else to decide how many kids they will have. They have left it up to God and if he doesn't want them to have more then 20 they will not have anymore. 

Some people will say that it is crazy for her to do that to her body and then they bring up the Complications with her last child. She had preeclampsia with her last but she had also had it with her 2nd pregnancy which was twins. So if she would have stopped having kids after that then all the kids born after Josh, John and Jana would not exist. I don't see how it would be appropriate for anyone to say those kids do not belong on this earth because their Mom should have never took the risk to have them.  Yes her daughter Josie was born very early but that can happen in a first pregnancy too. So should someone who has their first child very early not ever have another child just because there was a complication in the first pregnancy? 

The way I see it is that those kids are being well cared for, they seem happy. Their parents are self made Millionaires so they are not using up your tax dollars on WIC, Welfare, Medicaid, ect.  In the end it doesn't really affect me if they keep having kids or not. It's not my choice so as long as the children are all doing well I say why not keep having them. Plus once you have 19 kids what is one more thrown into the mix!

Congratulation to the Duggar Family, I wish Michelle a very healthy pregnancy.

1 comment:

Ashley Quarles said...

I couldn't agree more. I think most people are in an uproar because they think the Duggar's are using the kids for money, when in fact, like you said - they were well off before TLC made them famous.

I personally couldn't imagine having that many kids, but if Michelle wants to keep having babies - more power to her. I think it's amazing how their family works and I envy how well behaved all 19 of their children are!!!