Monday, October 3, 2011

10 Months

I cannot believe how fast this year is going! My baby boy is 10 months old already! Nathan is now wearing size 4 diapers and size 12-18 months clothes.  He has such a cute personality and a sense of humor already! He is a good mix of his sister's. He is sweet like Gabby but also has Avalynn's knack for getting into trouble.
He is really getting good at cruising along furniture and can stand on his own for a couple seconds.  He loves brushing his teeth and looks so cute doing it! He is happy most of the time but if he doesn't get what he wants or you have to take something away from him he will throw himself and he has a good set of lungs, lol.
 His sister's are really good with him most of the time. Gabby loves to help me change his diapers. Her job is to put the diaper in the diaper pail for me. Avalynn loves to wrestle around with him. They are so silly sometimes.
   One of the naughty things he does is biting. He has 5 teeth now.  He bites me when he is nursing but he also will come up to me and bite me on the leg or he will bite his sister's when they are playing with him. I hope he grows out of it soon! It really does hurt, those baby teeth are razor sharp and seem to only get a tiny bit of your skin so it is not fun being bitten!
    He has started eating a lot of new foods. He loves cheerios and I love that they are cheaper then the Gerber puffs! He likes Mac and cheese and bread. He has tried pizza, lasagna, cheese and lots of other things. One thing he does not like to eat is Banana's. He gags when I give them to him. He also does not like peaches. He will eat the baby food peaches but he will gag when I give him canned peaches. I think it is more the texture then the taste.

Here are some pictures of him from today.

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