Friday, October 7, 2011

Pre-K Week 4

Gabby was feeling a lot better then last week. She still has a 

cough but it is not too bad. I took her to school this morning 

and then we all went to pick her up. Today was an early

dismissal day Kevin went in to get her. Afterward we took the 

kids up to Toysrus to look around and ended up finding some 

clearance deals for Christmas.

I took Gabby into school today. At first she didn't want me to leave but she was okay after a couple minutes of me sitting there with her. We were early and she was the only kid there at first. Kevin picked her up. She was still sleeping when he went in and she didn't want to wake up. She must have slept a while because it was hard to get her to go to sleep that night. She went to bed at 8:00 and didn't fall asleep until after 9:30.

When I dropped Gabby off I overheard another little girl telling a teacher that she had thrown up in the car on the way into school. Oh lovely...that is all we need is more sickness here. The teacher was also out because she had been throwing up. When I went back to pick Gabby up the little girl was not there and Gabby said she had thrown up in the garbage can and they called her mom to come get her. I think they should have called her as soon as the girl told them that. I kept my daughter out 3 days last week so that other kids wouldn't get sick and other parents send their kid sick...

Today was Pajama day at her school. I had a shock when we went out to the car this morning.
 There was a hard frost on the windows!
 I was not ready for that!
 I had to take all 3 kids so I put them in the van, started it and looked for my ice scraper. I couldn't find it so I got the one out of our car. Not fun doing that already! But later when I went to pick her up in was near 70 and a beautiful sunny day with no cloud in the sky! We went for a nice walk.

Another Cold Morning and warm afternoon! I picked Gabby up early
 and we went to Farmland. My niece and nephew were off school today so they came with us.

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