Wednesday, October 27, 2010

34 week prenatal appointment

I gained 1 pound back so I am back to 26 pounds gained. My blood pressure was 128/70.  The baby's heat rate was in the 150's which is good. My fundal height measured 40 cm which is 6 weeks ahead. I am scheduled for an ultrasound on November 10th to see how big the baby is. The doctor said that if the baby gets to bigger then 10 pounds I will have to have a C-section. That terrifies me because I really do not want to have to do that! I hope he will stay under 10 pounds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the doctor says that the baby is over 10 pounds, don't let them do a c-section. I have heard too many stories of woman being forced into having a c-section, with bad experiences and the doctors were way off with the babies estimated weight. Our bodies were created to do what they are capable of producing and doing.
Glad things are going well with mama and baby boy! :0)