Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

This year went so fast! My baby is 1 year old already! He is a very sweet little boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses. Yesterday I was holding him and he said "mama" and gave me a big hug! I am so Thankful that we were blessed with this amazing little boy!

He is walking all over the place now and loves getting into everything. He is very active like Avalynn. The poor boy is always getting bruised on his head and shins from falling! He is pretty tough though and it doesn't bother him too much. He loves wrestling around with his big sister's and Daddy.  He is smart too, and he knows when he is doing something he shouldn't be because he will try to hide it from me! (Like when he takes the TV remote and I walk over to get it from him he tries to hide it under himself.)

He has the funniest laugh! He sounds like a little horse sometimes! He laughs a lot. His sister's are always being silly and he laughs and just about everything they do. Here are some video's of him through his first year and a slide show of Pictures.

Nathan at 4 months With Avalynn (2 Years 10 months)

Here is Nathan at almost 5 Months with my Niece Natalee

Happy 1st Birthday Nathan James Kevin Boots

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