Monday, December 26, 2011

200 Questions

200 questions.. here goes! ....
200. My name is:
Kelly Lynn Boots

199. I was born in:
Elmira, NY

198. I am really:

197. My phone is:

196. My eye color is:

195. My shoe size is:
7 1/2

194. My ring size is:
6 3/4

193. My height is:

192. I am allergic to:
Nothing to my knowledge

191. I was born on:

190. I am annoyed by:
Liars, People who cheat on their spouse or significant other, Procrastinators

189. Last book you read:
I can't remember the name of it but my younger sister loaned it to me

188. My bed is:
Memory Foam

187. One thing you hate about yourself:
That I nag Kevin too much

186. One thing you love about yourself.
Sadly I can think of nothing right now

185. Relationships are:
Difficult at time but mostly rewarding

184. My mother is:
The best mom I could ask for!

183. My father is:
A hard worker

182. I want to:
buy a house

181. I can't stand it when:
People intentionally hurt others

180. Cheaters
are lame

179. My favorite Holiday is:

178. The Perfect Kiss is:
With my husband

177. The last three cds i bought were
I have no idea, it's been years

176. Worst musician ever?

175. Are you living at home?:
Um...ya (Not with my parents if that is what this question is asking)

174. Do you have any siblings?:

173. Are your parents divorced?

172. What did you do yesterday?:
Got up early with my family, opened gifts, went to my parents house for lunch, went to my twin sister's house to visit, had my niece come home with us to spend the night and hung out with the kids and facebook.

171. The band you're listening to?:
Nothing is playing

170. The last band you saw live?:

169. Favorite TV show that's not on anymore?:
 Life goes on

168. How many times have you swore today?:
167. What's the weather like today?:

166. Last female / male you spoke to that you are not involved with?:
My sister Stacey and her boyfriend
165. Does it bother you not to understand something?:

164. Do you think anyone will read to this point?:
163. Do you think teenagers have too much time on their hands?:
Some of them do but others seem to keep busy

162. You've just won the lottery for big money. What do you do?:
Buy a house! Maybe go to Mexico for a second honeymoon.

161. Do you need anything right now?:
A drink of water

160. Current Mood?:

159. What are you drinking?:

158. Has being on Facebook been good for you?:
Yes, I get to talk to people who mean a great deal to me but I also spend way too much time on there

157. You get a punch in the face?:
I'd cry, lol

156. What is your heritage?:
Mixed, German, Irish, Swedish and a few more.

155. What are you thinking about?:
That I will probably be up all night with Nathan since he went to sleep at 5 and it is now 8:15 and he is starting to wake up
154. How much cash do you have ?
whatever change I have in my purse, not much
153. Last dumb thing you did?:
Got my hopes up about something

152. Do you think there's someone out there that likes you?:

151. Did you watch TV last night?:no

150. What was for dinner last night?:
Didn't really eat dinner because I was snacking all day
149. Do you get angry easily?:

148. Have you ever been so angry, you broke something?:
Can't remember breaking anything
147. Has anyone said you were broken?:

146. How many people do you call true friends?:
3 Friends

145. Ever broken a bone?:

144. When was the last time you had good sex?:
 None of your business

143. How was the first time you had sex?:
None of your business
:::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In::

142. Love at first sight?

141. Luck?

140. Fate?

139. Yourself?
Most of the time

138. Aliens?
Not sure

137. Heaven?

136. Hell?

135. Ghosts?
sort of

134. Horoscopes?

133. Soulmates?

132. God?

131. Premarital sex?
Better to wait until married

:::Which is Better?:::

130. Life or Death?

129. hugs or kisses?

128. Drunk or High?

127. Phone or Online?

126. Red heads or Black hair?

125. Blondes or Brunettes?

124. Hot or cold?

123. Summer or wintER?

121. Chocolate or vanilla?

120. Night or Day?

119. Oranges or Apples?

118. Curly or Straight hair:?

117. Smile or Eyes:?

:::Here's What I Think About:::

116. Abortion:
The bible says "Thou shall not kill"

115. Backstabbers..
Need to get a life

114. Parents:
Love them!

113. Magic?:
Not real

112. American Politics?:

111. The Writers Strike?:
That was stupid!

110. Music?:
Poems with a tune

109. Drunks?:

108. Gas Prices?:
makes me sick

107. George W?:
made some mistakes

106. Southern States?:
Not sure

105. Northern States?:
Not sure

104. Terrorists?:

:::Last time I:::

103. Hugged someone?Gabrielle

102. Kissed someone:
Kevin this afternoon

101. Saw someone:When I put Gabby to bed

100. Cried in front of someone:
probably a few days ago
99. Went to a funeral?:My Uncle John's

98. Went apple picking?:
few years

97.. Was on stage?:
My wedding in 2006

96. Made someone laugh?:

95. Answered a text message?:

94. Saw a movie?:
When Kevin and I went and watched Jack and Jill
93. Played music?:only in my van when I am alone

92. Was out of state?:Yesterday

91. Did a household chore?:


90. Who is the ditziest person you know:
there are a few

89. Who makes you laugh the mostMy kids

82. What I don't understand is:
Why are gas prices still going up??????????

75. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is:
When I have my own house

74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is:
getting old

73. Tomorrow:Gotta do my work out

72. Today: I did some organizing

71. Next Summer: Can't get here fast enough

70. This Weekend:Will be the start of a new year

67. People call me:

62. The person who knows the most about me is:

60. The most difficult thing to do is:
Have enough time in a day

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket:

55. The first person i talked to today was:Nathan

54. First Crush?
was in kindergarden

53. The one person who I can't hide things from:

52. Last time someone said something you were thinking:
Dont Recall

51. Right now I am talking to:

50. What is your dream job?
Being a mom!

49. First job?
Working at a bowling alley

47. Pets?
Kito the  Boston Terrier ....

46. I wish:
I could have enough money to buy a house

45. Worst sound in the world:
someone screaming in pain

44. The person that makes me cry the most is:

43. Best sound in the world:
My babies

42. Last person to make you cry:

41. Why? ...
Not sure, sometimes I just cry

40. Are things ok between you and that person?

39. Person that makes you really happy?
My Kids and Kevin

38. Cats or dogs?
Cats are smarter

37. Your first kiss:
9th grade

36. Which Golden Girl would you be?
I would be Dorothy I think

35 Myspace or Facebook: Facebook

34. Mexican food or Chinese?

33. My favorite piece of clothing?

32. My favorite color is:

31. Last time I cried:Couple days ago

30. My friends are:

29. My computer:
Gateway and sony

27. Last person i got mad at?:
Can't say on here, lol

26. Person you secretly crush?
I don't have one

25. Favorite place:
In Kevin's arms

24. Favorite Song: ...
"I don't want to be" Gavin DeGraw....

23. Paper or plastic?
Stupid question

22. The all-time best movie(s) is/are :
Sweet Home Alabama

21. The all-time best feeling in the world is:

20. Favorite scent?

19. What color is your hairbrush:pink

18.Favorite pair of shoes?

17. I lose all respect for people who:
abuse children

16. I respect people who:
help others

15. Color of your room?

14. TV channels you watch?
Discovery health channel is my fave

13. Best feature?

12. Favorite band?
Def Lepard

11. The worst pain I was ever in was:
Giving birth to Avalynn

10. Best Memory:
giving birth

9. Favorite TV Show:Anything on TLC or Discovery Health

8. My favorite celebrity is:

7. Favorite Stuffed Animal:

6. Greatest Fear:
Loosing my Husband or kids

5. My weakness is:

4. I am waiting for:
I haven't figured that out yet

3. Who broke your heart:
a few

2. One thing that makes you feel great is:
My Kids

1. One person that you wish you could see right now: My brother

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