Sunday, September 13, 2009

Memorial service/First babysitter

Today I went with my mom and Shelly to the Memorial service for my half sister Stacey's grandmother who passed away on 09/09/09. She was a very sweet lady. She was very caring and giving. My favorite memory of her was that she made the best pickles! When we would spend the night with our sister she would give each of us a jar of them and we would sit there and eat the whole jar! I took care of her a couple of days during the last weeks of her life. She was still very kind even though she was weak and very tired. She will be greatly missed by her family. My sister Stacey has lived with her a majority of her life and I know it has been really hard on her the past 4 months. She has been taking care of her grandmother and also dealing with a lot of other things.

Today was the first time I have ever left the girls with anyone besides Kevin, my mom or Shelly. They stayed with my cousin Bobbie Jo while we went to the service because Kevin had to work. I was nervous to leave them but I knew Bobbie would take good care of them. They never even knew I was gone! My niece and Nephew were also there plus Bobbie's 3 kids so they had lots of company! There were also 3 kittens to play with. (Poor kittens!!!) It was only for two hours anyway. Now that I see they can survive with someone else I may have to leave them again sometime, lol.


*Mirage* said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! **HUGS**
And **HUGS** to Stacey!

Mothertomanyblessings said...

Aww I am sorry for all the loss that has been around you lately! I am like you about leaving my kids with someone.