Thursday, September 10, 2009

09-11-01 WARNING SENSITIVE SUBJECT may be disturbing to some

Tomorrow is the 8th Anniversary of 9/11. Sometimes it seems so long ago and other days it seems just like yesterday. I still cry every time I think about it. All those people killed. Innocent people who one minute were living their every day life and the next they are gone.

The day it happened I was working at a daycare. One of the other employees got a phone call from her husband. He told her a plane had hit the first tower. When she told us I was not that concerned at first. I thought it was sad but just figured it was a plane that had crashed for some reason. Then a short while later her husband called back and said another plane had hit the towers. We were all talking about it when the owner of the daycare showed up and told us that she didn't want us to talk about it or even talk on the phone because she was afraid the kids would be afraid. I didn't get out of work until about 1:00 and on my way home I turned the radio on. I still didn't even know the towers had collapsed until they said it on the radio. I immediately called my sister Shelly. I asked her what the heck was going on. She told me about all 4 of the planes that crashed and how the world trade center buildings had fallen down. She said she had been watching it on TV and there were people jumping out of windows, ect. I just could not comprehend that. I thought how could they just fall down? Why would people jump out? It had not sunk in and I was not even realizing how many people had died and what a big deal this was. When I got home the TV was on and the first thing I saw was a replay of the first and then the second towers collapsing. I remember I started shaking and slowly sat down on the couch. Why would someone do that? Why would they kill so many people. I was so afraid. My sister had just had a son 7 days before that and I kept thinking what kind of life is this little baby going to have. The longer I watched the news the worse it got. I then realized people died in the pentagon and the other planes too.
I think I cried every night for at least a month for all those families. I couldn't help but sit and watch the news every night for months. They played it over and over and over. It was horrible but I just could not help to watch. I guess I thought maybe if I kept watching there would be some explanation as to why this happened.

I was watching a show the other day that was so sad. It was a Mother and Father telling the story of their son. They were watching the news after the first plane had hit. He called them that day from one of the planes. He had his wife and daughter on the plane with him. He was talking to his Dad and his dad said then son said "Oh No" very silently and that was the last he heard from him. They were still watching the TV and Saw their sons plane hit the second Tower. I'll never forget when that mom said "Every time I see that plane hit I am watching my son die"

These things and so much more I will never Forget.

1 comment:

Mothertomanyblessings said...

The sad thing is Kelly I think many have forgotten how terrible it was , and while you might not agree with former president bush he DID keep us safe after it happened.