Tuesday, September 1, 2009

15 Months Already!

Avalynn is 15 Months old today
She also had her 15 month well baby check up. She now weighs 21 pounds 13 ounces (36%) and is 31 1/2 inches (90%). The doctor was concerned that she is not getting enough calcium because she does not like to drink milk. The doctor said she should be drinking at least 32 ounces a day. I am lucky if I can get her to drink 8 ounces. I am still nursing her to go to sleep at night and the doctor suggested I try going back to nursing her some in the day time again to make sure she gets enough calcium. She only had to get 1 shot but it had 3 different things in it. Avalynn did not cry at all. She is really good about getting them. She is teething and has been a little cranky. Last night she woke up a lot. Here is a photo of her taken this morning.

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