Friday, December 7, 2012


The other day I was up in the attic and opened a tote. Wow were there some memories in there! It was like a blast from the past. Thing I had forgotten about or thought I had thrown out. I think they must have been packed away for years and we just kept moving the tote.

Growing up we never had TV and no one had computers yet let alone cell phones. So we had a lot of time on our hands. I used to write in diaries. Some of them are in this picture.

 I also used to write to lots of celebrities and they would send autograph pictures. Also one time My sister and I wrote to Tia and Tamera Mowry right before their show "Sister, Sister" first aired.  They hand wrote us a letter back and from what they wrote it sounds like we were their first ever fan letter! I still have the letter and autographed picture. But the neatest thing was when we wrote to Raven Symone and she called us! That was so cool! At the time she was on "Hanging with Mr. Cooper."

I also used to write poems a lot and short stories. It was neat reading through those again. I thought I had gotten rid of them Long ago!

I also found some notes from my high school days.  Lots of fun memories. :)

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