Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Not a whole lot has been going on lately. The weather has been cold and rainy for the most part so we have been staying inside a lot. Today I let the kids get out the playdough. It is one of their favorite things to play with and one of my least favorite to clean up but it keeps them entertained for a good hour or so.

None of the kids have been sleeping too good the past couple of nights. That means I don't get much sleep either. I always try to remind myself that they are just little and won't be climbing in our bed forever. I actually love snuggling with them and it doesn't bother me too much. It is just hard to sleep when we are all piled in one bed, lol. Sometimes I will take the girls back into their bed and get them back to sleep. They seem to go through phases where they will sleep all night and then they get back into a phase where they wake up and get in our bed.

I decided to sign the girls up to go to preschool in the fall. If they don't like it or they don't want to go I will pull them out. I really think that Gabby is ready to go. I am not so sure about Avalynn. She is really shy around other adults and wants to be with me a lot so we will just see how it goes. 

Only 7 more weeks until our trip to Indiana to visit relatives. The girls are so excited. Gabby keeps talking about seeing her cousins and she wants to push her daddy off Nannie and Papa's boat. We are praying for warm weather by then!

Nathan Turned 5 Months old on May 3rd. How can he be 5 months already!! Time goes way too fast! It seems like he was just born! He is such a wonderful blessing too! I could not have ever imagined that a baby could be as happy and content as he is. The girls were great too but he is just about as perfect as a baby could be! 

Well I guess I will quit rambling on, just wanted to do a small update!

1 comment:

LaLa said...

I can't believe how big Nathan's getting! It's funny, but he looks more like you than the girls do. We'll have to wait and see if his hair lightens up like Avalynn's did. I think it would be cute if his hair stays dark like yours.