Friday, August 3, 2012

33 Week Prenatal appointment

The baby's heart rate was at 137 today. Usually it is in the 150's but the midwife said that it was good. My blood pressure was 120/76. I have gained 30 pounds. yuck... My iron was pretty low. It is down to 9 so they sent me over for blood work to get a bunch of tests run such as CBC, IBC,Ferritin level, B-12 Level, Folate level and Reticulocyte count. I don't even know what most of those are. I have to take my iron 2 times a day on an empty stomach and hopefully it will come up because I don't want to end up having to get blood after giving birth or something.  My fundal height measured at 34 which is great because I am 33 weeks 3 days today. So far it looks like she won't be as big as Nathan. My blood sugars have been great. Last week my battery died in my glucose monitor and ever since I changed the battery I have not had a high sugar at all. I don't know if it is coincidence or it my monitor was just off due to the battery being low. I go back in 2 weeks.

33 week Belly picture, really popping out.

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