Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All Moved in!

Everything went pretty good on Saturday when we moved in. My parents and Josh and Shelly Helped us load and unload the moving truck. Shelly had also kept the kids overnight on Friday so I was able to get some last minute things done. I also bought some groceries to fill the new Fridge. We ordered pizza for everyone for helping us move. My mom and Shelly helped us set up and make our beds so they would be ready for the night. Shortly after that everyone left. We had a Huge mess with everything all over. Kevin and I worked at it pretty late and got a lot done. I cleaned and organized the playroom. Then I worked on cleaning and organizing the laundry room. Kevin moved a bunch of stuff to the attic and shed that needed to go in those places. 

Sunday we ran some errands. Kevin mowed the back yard with our new  reel mower. It works pretty good and best part is we don't have to buy gas for it. It also does not require any sharpening.

Monday was also an errand running day. We bought a broom, swiffer, magic eraser and some other cleaning supplies. We got some more stuff put away. The bad part of the day was that Kevin tripped on the stairs and his elbow went through a window. Luckily he did not get hurt but we will need to replace the glass. We got the splash pad out for the kids to play with for a little while. It was so Hot out!

Today I cleaned the downstairs floors and Kitchen and bath really well. We also had the Cable guy come and get the internet and cable hooked up. We are all enjoying our new house and the extra space we have not had since we got married. The kids have so much more room to play and I don't feel so claustrophobic! We still have some more things to put away and organize but things are coming along pretty well!

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