Friday, June 15, 2012

26 week prenatal

I have gained 26 pounds. (yuck). My blood pressure was great at 112/68. They tested my iron and I am anemic so they want me to start taking iron. I have not been very good about taking my prenatal so for now I am going to just try to take that every day. I have been really tired so that might be why. My fasting sugar levels have been high in the mornings so they also have put me on a medication for that. It is the same one I took when I was pregnant with Nathan. They baby's heart rate was 163. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead. So far that is not anything to worry about. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. They did not tell me I would have to start the Non stress tests yet but I probably will have to soon since they put me on the medication. I had to do them 2 times a week when I was pregnant with Nathan.

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