Tuesday, June 12, 2012

18 Month Check up

I can't believe my baby is a Year and a half already! Kevin took him to his check up. Everything looks good. He is still on the small side but doing everything he should be. He weighs 22 pounds (7th%) and is 32 inches (25th%) He talks really good. He can say almost anything you ask him to say. The other day at the grocery store when I was checking out he said "Hi"  to the cashier and then when she was ringing things up he was saying what some of the things were. When we were leaving he was blowing her kisses and saying "Bye Bye". He is very sweet and loving most of the time. He is also a very active toddler and always finding new things to get into trouble doing! His favorite foods are Hot dogs, sausage, Applesauce, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, Greek Yogurt and he loves orange Juice.
Here is a Video of Him playing with his cars.

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