Saturday, May 5, 2012

20 week prenatal

I am a little late posting this. I had the Ultrasound on April 27th and we found out that we are having another little girl. On April 30th was my prenatal appointment. I am up to 18 pounds gained. The baby was estimated to weigh 11 ounces so the rest of that is on me, lol. My blood pressure was 110/70 and the baby's Heart rate was 153. Since I had Gestational Diabetes with Nathan I have to check my blood sugar 4 times a day so that if I get it this time we can catch it early and hopefully keep her from getting as big as he was. So far my sugars have been good. I have had a few of the morning fasting come back a little high but he said they are not consistent enough for them to do anything about it yet. She was moving so much the doctor had a hard time getting her heart rate.Kevin went to the Ultrasound with me and Gabby and my Mom went to the regular appointment with me. 

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