Monday, August 22, 2011

Small update on my kids

Gabrielle Adeline
Gabby is my sweet girl. She always thinks of other people. She likes to cuddle. Her favorite things to play with are legos, Her baby doll "soka", books, and Her new stuffed Tiger. Her current favorite movies are My little pony and Rio. Gabby loves to sing and dance. She is always making up cute little songs and if you play some music she will show you her moves! She loves to swim and learned how to doggy paddle swim while we were on vacation. Gabby now wears size 5 clothes and weighs 42 pounds.

Avalynn Skye
Avalynn is my little spit fire. She is wild and spunky. She never sits still for more then a minute! She is a handful but I wouldn't want her to be any other way! Avalynn's favorite things to play with are our dog Kito, her brother Nathan, swinging on swings, climbing on Mommy & Daddy and pretty much anything that involves running around or moving! She loves Horses! We try to walk every night to a neighbor's that have 4 horses. She loves to see them. She already has her Halloween costume and it is a horse. Her favorite Movies are Beauty and the Beast and Milo and Otis. She also loves to be read to. Avalynn now wears size 4T clothes. She weighs about 32 pounds.

Nathan James Kevin
Nathan is now very mobile! He is crawling and getting into EVERYTHING. When he was younger I thought he was going to be more mellow like Gabby but I was wrong! Every day he is more and more like Avalynn! They even make messes together! I think they will be the best of friends! He likes all kids though. He smiles and laughs when other kids talk to him. He has started to pull himself up on the couch and chairs. Pretty soon he will be cruising along on them and then walking! He hardly ever cries unless you have to take something away from him or he gets really tired. He is starting to assert himself though and lets you know if you make him mad! He has 2 front bottom teeth, 1 top tooth and another top tooth coming through. He Loves Ice Cream! Yes he is only 8 months old but I give him bites of mine when I eat it and he loves it! He is a good eater. I still nurse him and he is also eating baby cereal, snacks like "Puffy's" and the baby Gerber graduate foods. He eats 1 baby fruit and 1 baby Vegetable each day. I also give him occasional bites of my food. He likes Avocado a lot! I am going to move him to a bigger car seat very soon. His head is getting to the top of the infant seat and his feet stick out a couple of inches. I am worried his feet are going to hit a wall or something when I am carrying him some time! It is also getting really hard to carry! He is now wearing size 6-12 Months clothes. He has his 9 month check up on Sept 8 so I will find out them how much he weighs.
Here is a video of him laughing

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