Thursday, August 25, 2011

The girls got their Ears Pierced.

I have always told my girls that when they were ready and wanted to they could get their ears pierced. I wanted to leave it up to them to decide when they got them done since it is their ears.  Gabby has asked a couple of times before but always changed her mind when I told her how it was done. Just recently she has been asking again because our neighbor was going to get hers done and One of my nieces has hers done too. So Tuesday Gabby was really asking a lot about it so I said she could get it done if she still wanted to on Thursday. Then Avalynn started asking if she could get hers done too. I wasn't sure if I wanted Avalynn to get hers done yet because I am not sure if she will sit still long enough for me to help her take care of it. When we got there Gabby was really brave. She sat right up in the chair so nice and still. They had two ladies who did both ears at the same time. Gabby did a little quiet crying afterward  and kept saying it really hurt. They gave her a sticker and lolly pop though and she was okay in a couple seconds. She didn't cry enough for it to scare Avalynn because she still wanted to get hers done too. She was also brave and sat there really good. When they did her ears she really started screaming though for a few seconds. I don't think she expected it to hurt since Gabby wasn't crying too bad. But as soon she had her lolly pop she calmed down too.

Gabby sitting in the chair waiting
 Crying a little bit afterward

 Gabby at home with her ears pierced. She is so happy!
Avalynn looking a little nervous while she waited
 Eating her lolly pop afterward
 Home asleep with her new pierced ears.

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