Thursday, June 16, 2011

Avalynn's "Mystery Diagnosis"

Avalynn was so sick a couple of weeks ago. I was so scared. I have never worried that much about one of my kids before. It started out when Gabby had a fever on Sunday May 29th and complaining that her throat hurt. Later that night Avalynn started saying her throat hurt too and she also had a fever. I checked their throats and they really didn't look red and no white spots so I wasn't too concerned. After the 3rd day Gabby's fever went away and she was back to normal. Avalynn just kept getting worse every day and I thought maybe she has Strep. 

By Saturday June 4th her lymph nodes in her neck were really swollen and she wouldn't even turn her head. She had her head leaning to one side and just kept it there. Even with motrin her temp was only coming down to 101 and after 3 hours it was back up to 103. I called her doctor's office that day but it was 2:30 and they were closing at 3:00 and could not get her in. So we took her to the Emergency room. The doctor came in, looked at her throat and listened to her symptoms. He said she had all 4 classic symptoms of strep. He didn't even do a rapid strep test or anything. He just sent us home with a prescription for an antibiotic.

By Mondy, 2 days later she was even worse. Screaming in pain, High fever, wouldn't eat, would not turn her head and sleeping a lot during the day. So I called her doctor's office and at first the nurse I talked to acted like we had not waited long enough but I knew something just was not right. I have had strep before and it always starts to feel better in a day or two on the antibiotic. When I got her in there she saw a doctor we have never seen before. She was really nice and was upset they didn't do a strep test so she sent us over to have some blood work done to try to figure out what was wrong. They took 5 vials of blood. Later that day they called me with the results and they thought it was just something Viral because the test showed that her counts were up that pointed more to a virus.

  By Tuesday the 7th Avalynn was actually starting to feel better. Her temp was down to around 100.8  and she was playing a little bit. I thought she was getting better. On Wednesday the 8th her temp was around 101 but she was playing some and eating a little bit better. 
This is a picture of her on the 7th with her head tilted and feeling well enough to make this mess.

  On Thursday the 9th She broke out with a rash on her Back and her Stomach. They were pinkish/red bumps and they did not seem to bother her at all.  She did not have a fever at all that day. She still said her neck hurt and kept it tilted to the side though.

By Saturday June 11th Avalynn's rash was almost gone but her temp spiked back up and she was really starting to be in pain again. She was also very sleepy again and just not her usual active self.

On Sunday the 12th I called the Doctor's office again and she got in with her own Doctor. She had me go over everything from start to finish and she said she really thought she had lymphatitis. She put her on a different kind of Antibiotic. I had to take her over to the grocery store with me to get the prescription and my poor baby was so sick she was shivering and I had to carry her all around the store while we waited and I bought her some more motrin and let her pick out some popcicles. They are the only thing she would eat while she was sick. Everything else seemed to hurt her throat. As soon as we got out to the parking lot I gave her the first dose. That was at 10:30 a.m., by 9:00 p.m. that night I could see a difference in her! She was really starting to perk up. The next morning she was playing, happy and fever free! 
Here she is yesterday feeling so much better!

Today June 16th I took her back in for her recheck. The doctor felt her glands and said they are still quite swollen. She was happy to see that she was doing so much better though and she is hopeful that by the time Avalynn goes back next Tuesday they should be down even more.
Here she is at the Doctor's appointment today waiting for the doctor to come in. 
I am so happy to have my happy, healthy little girl back! She is always bouncing off the walls and getting into all kinds of trouble. I missed that when she was sick.

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