Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nathan 1 Month Check up

Nathan is doing great. He can roll to both sides but not all the way over yet. He has started cooing and he has even smiled when I talk to him already. He is a very happy baby. He still sleeps a lot and is sleeping well at night also. He only wakes up one or two times. His only real fussy time is right around 10:00 p.m. and that is usually only for about a half an hour. He hates to have a messy diaper and will cry to be changed but then he is happy again. He is very laid back most of the time. He now weighs 11 pounds 12 ounces (92%) and he is 22 1/2 inches (82%). He wears size 3-6 months except some pants he can still wear 0-3. He is in Pampers size 1-2 diaper. Here is a picture if him at his doctors appointment today.

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