Monday, January 17, 2011

My New Years Resolution.

Well I made a New Years resolution. I am not going to spend any money on clothes for the kids from February 1st until June. That may be easy for most people but my hobby has been buying clothes for my kids since I was pregnant with Gabby. It has kind of become an obsession! I love all kinds of clothes for them but Gymboree are my favorite! In June they have a Red balloon sale which will be all the fall/winter clothes from last year will be on clearance. So I will then stock up for those clothes. Although the girls each already have about 10 outfits for next fall/winter. Nathan has an entire tote full! I have lost count of how many outfits the girls already have for summer. Last count for Nathan was 38 full outfits, 8 extra shirts and 4 extra shorts. He also has 5 bathing suits. I didn't buy all of his clothes though. About half of those were gifts. Since I won't be obsessing about shopping for a few months I plan on trying to do a lot of reading. I have tons of books piled up and ready to read. Reading can be very hard when you have kids though. Seems like as soon as I get curled up with one and comfortable someone needs a drink, went potty and needs help being wiped, wants a snack, wants to play with mommy, uses me as a jungle gym, ect. LOL But sooner or later I will get all of these books read. I am currently reading the latest  Vampire Academy Book # 6 Last Sacrifice . My younger sister let me borrow the series and they are really good. Luckily for me Angela likes to read the same kind of books I do. So she is always letting me borrow hers when she is done with them.

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