Saturday, November 20, 2010

37 weeks ultrasound/Appointment

I had an ultrasound to see if the baby was still breech. Lucky for me he has turned head down! He is still measuring really big. The Ultrasound tech measured him 4 times. The first 3 times she came up with 8 pounds 13 ounces. Then the 4th time she came up with 9 pounds 14 ounces!!! But she decided to go with the first 3 times! He can be 7 Ounces different either way. I finally got to see his face clear on the ultrasound. I think he looks like me :) . For some reason the pictures they give me never come out very clear though.  I lost 3 pounds so back to a 25 pound gain for this pregnancy. My blood pressure was great! She checked to see if I have dilated and I am at 1CM and 50% effaced so a long way to go. The doctor set me up for an induction for December 3rd. She doesn't want me to get to my Due date because she is afraid he will get over 10 pounds and be too hard for me to deliver naturally. I am fine with that because I want to do all I can to avoid a C-section!! I am nervous about the induction though. I was hoping for a drug free birth like I had with Avalynn. I am hoping he will come on his own before then so I can try to have as natural a delivery as possible. I am so excited to see my baby boy! I have packed and repacked the girls an overnight bag 3 times, lol. They are going to stay with my sister Shelly when I go in for the induction. My bag is packed and ready to go also! Less then 2 weeks and I will be holding my baby boy! So excited!!!

1 comment:

Mothertomanyblessings said...

Oh Kelly I am so excited for you and super glad that he has turned. Praing for a easy and fast delivery.