Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moved in/ Doctor Visit with Gabby.

Writing this really quick from my parent's house. We rented a truck and got everything moved into the apartment. We had been storing a lot of things and I forgot how much stuff we have! The first night it was wall to wall boxes! We had a very narrow path through to get into each room but that was it. We have been spending pretty much every minute since then going through boxes and getting rid of some stuff. We have already donated about 10 big boxes of stuff. I got rid of three boxes of toys and two boxes of the kid's clothes, some of my own clothes and some of Kevin's. He has also got rid of some of his things. We still have a lot more boxes to go through. We bought a storage shed that is going to be delivered Monday afternoon along with our new washer and dryer.

This afternoon as we were getting ready to go to my mom's house Gabby told me that her nose hurt. I figured she must have bumped in and so I looked at it and realized there was a piece of really soft foam up her nose. It was partly sticking out so I got a pair of tweezers and was able to get it out. Then I asked Kevin to get me a flash light so I could see if I had gotten it all. I checked and saw what I thought was another really small piece. We tried to get it out but she was struggling and fighting us so bad. It was stuck up really far and I was afraid I was going to hurt her. We went to my mom's house and when we got there she tried to help get it out but was not able to either. I called her doctor and they got her right in. A nurse held her head, while I held her arms and the Doctor was able to get it out with some really long thin forcep type thing. The piece of foam was huge and I could not believe she stuck it up there! I hope Gabby learned her lesson and will never stick things up her nose again!!!

1 comment:

Mothertomanyblessings said...

Why do kids think they must stick things up their noses???? Crazy huh.