Friday, May 14, 2010

10 week prenatal checkup.

All my blood work came back okay except that they tested to see if I still have immunity from MMR. That showed that I am no longer immune. They cannot give me the shot while pregnant so I have to get that in the hospital the day after I give birth. I have really bad varicose veins on my legs so the doctor ordered some stockings for those. I have to make an appointment to get fitted for them. My blood pressure was great 106/60. My temperature was 100.3, they asked if I felt sick and I said Yes but I think it is from the pregnancy because I have been throwing up a lot. So not sure why I had a slight fever. They did not check for the heartbeat because he said it is hard to hear before 12 weeks. He said that my uterus feels like it is the right size for 10 weeks. I somehow managed to gain 5 pounds even with all the throwing up, lol. I go back in two week for some reason. My next appointment is May 28th.


*Mirage* said...

They check your temperature for a prenatal? Huh! Never heard of that before! Glad your bloodwork is good. Hopefully they'll try to hear the heart next time! :)

Kelly L Boots said...

They only checked it because I had a full physical this time.