Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gabby's 6 year Check up

Gabby has been sick for the past week or so. First she had an ear infection and went to the doctor and was put on an antibiotic. Then she got a stomach virus that Avalynn and Nathan had also had. The doctor checked her ear and told me that since she only had one day left of the antibiotic left I should stop giving it to her because she is now having diarrhea from the stomach virus and the antibiotic will make worse. Gabby now weighs 60 pounds (95th%) and is 47 1/2 in (85th%). She is big for her age and one of the tallest in her class. So other then being sick the past week she is doing well. She didn't need any shots and is all caught up on them until 6th grade.
Here she is at her appointment in the waiting room.

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