Saturday, July 27, 2013

MRI results Part 2

Well I was able to look up my results on my eguthrie account for my MRI and this is what it says. I don't really know what a lot of it means but doesn't sound too good to me.

Provided clinical information: 33 years, Female, "low back pain
radiating down left leg to left foot, symptoms times one month, pain
not improved after physical therapy"
Procedure and materials: Standard protocol.
Contrast: None.
Potential limitations: None.
Comparison studies: None.

The vertebral bodies are normal in height and alignment. There are
mild endplate degenerative changes at L4-L5. Otherwise, marrow signal
appears within normal limits. There is loss of height and signal of
the L2-L3 through L5-S1 intervertebral discs. The conus medullaris is
normal in position and appearance.

Axial images:
T12-L1: No disc protrusion, central canal stenosis or foraminal
narrowing is identified.

L1-L2: No disc protrusion, central canal stenosis or foraminal
narrowing is identified.

L2-L3: There is a mild disc bulge with a superimposed broad-based
central disc protrusion. High T2 signal is seen posteriorly in
keeping with a posterior annular fissure. Mild bilateral facet
hypertrophy is present. This results in mild central canal stenosis.
No significant neural foraminal narrowing is identified.

L3-L4: There is a mild diffuse disc bulge with a superimposed
broad-based central disc protrusion. Bilateral facet hypertrophy is
present. This results in mild central canal stenosis and minimal
neural foraminal narrowing bilaterally, left greater than right.

L4-L5: There is a diffuse disc bulge with a large central to left
paracentral disc protrusion which extends to the left lateral recess.
This measures approximately 1.9 cm in craniocaudal dimension and
appears to impinge upon the traversing left L5 nerve root. Bilateral
facet hypertrophy is present. This results in moderate central canal
stenosis and minimal bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.

L5-S1: There is a diffuse disc bulge with likely a small superimposed
central disc protrusion. No significant central canal stenosis is
identified. There appears to be moderate left-sided neural foraminal

The visualized paravertebral soft tissues appear unremarkable.

Multilevel degenerative changes as described, most advanced at L4-L5
where there is a large central to left paracentral disc protrusion
extending to the left lateral recess which appears to impinge upon
the traversing left L5 nerve root. Moderate left-sided neural
foraminal narrowing is also seen at L5-S1. See above for level by
level details.

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