Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just Some Rambling

Well we are already half way through July! In less then 2 months my baby will be a year old! It has been really hot here. I love it because we have been able to swim a lot and as a bonus it makes my back and Sciatica a little better when I am in swimming. Kevin doesn't like it. He prefers winter and would probably be happy with highs in the 40's.  Even the temperature of the pond is too warm for him. I rather enjoy swimming in bath water temps lol. 

On Saturday Morning I am going to have an MRI for my back. I hope this will show what the problem is.  I think what they are looking for is a herniated disc in my back that may be bulging and pinching a nerve causing the Sciatica. If it is large enough they may do surgery or there are Spinal steroid injections which scare me more then Surgery. I had two shots in the ER last Friday and that was bad enough! I am still praying this will just go away on its own but it has been 11 weeks now and no relief. 

Avalynn turned 5 in June and she now has her first loose tooth. She and Gabby are going to make the poor Tooth Fairy go broke! If their teeth are well taken care of she brings them $5.00 for the first tooth and a two dollar bill for all teeth after the first. Wow and I was always happy when I got 25 or 50 cents lol!  Avalynn has a speech teacher coming 3 days a week to work with her this Summer. So far that is going really well. She is pretty shy with strangers so I was surprised she got used to him so soon. She seems to thrive on one on one time with adults though so I think she likes the attention. Avy is her Daddy's girl. They have a great bond. She wants him to tuck her in every night and hugs and kisses. She is so smart and she knows how to use it to push my buttons. She is so stinking cute with her big dimples it is hard to stay upset with her for very long though. She likes watching shows about fairies and princesses. She loves playing barbies and Legos.

Kendall finally learned to crawl and she hasn't looked back since. Now she has startedchecking out the stairs. I will probably have to put a gate up at the bottom soon so she won't try to go up. She has discovered where Kito's water dish is kept and she loves to splash that all over. We put a baby gate in that door way but the little smarty has figured out how to go the long way around and get in from another room. I might need more baby gates! She has not started pulling up yet but she will get on her knees and look around for things to grab off chairs and end tables. It probably won't be too long. 

Nathan is doing well. He is really a good talker for his age. He is a Mommy's boy and I love when he grabs my arm and says "Cuddle me Mommy" and my arm has to be in a specific spot across his chest or he gets upset. He has finally gotten over Dora and Diego I think. He now likes Jake and the never land pirates but he calls it "Yo ho let's Go" . He loves Helicopters and when he says it sounds like Hela dough dough dough.  He also loves tractors and any other kind of heavy machinery.  Trains are another thing he loves. He always wants to walk to Daddy's work since a train goes right by there. He loves playing in his sand box and pretty much anything that gets him dirty but then when he is done he gets anxious to be cleaned up right away. 

Gabby is my sweet girl. She always wants to help me. Sometimes she can get a little sassy but for the most part she tries her hardest to be good. She is our talker, sometimes your ears hurt when in a car with her, lol. I call her Gabber Jabber Jaw. She is very social and as soon as we get to a play ground she says "I am gonna go find some friends" and she always does make a friend.  She. Has been having a lot of fun on the Trampoline their Grand parents bought them last Christmas. She likes watching shows like "Good luck Charley" and I am ashamed to admit we watch  DVR episodes of "toddlers and tiaras" together on occasion  and talk about the bad behavior of both the kids and adults.  

In August Kevin is going to take Gabby and Avalynn to their first NASCAR race at Watkin's Glen. I am so sad I cannot go. With my back problems I know I could not handle being there the whole day. I barely tolerate walking around a grocery store. :( Kevin and I actually met because of NASCAR. Kevin had a message board I joined and at first I annoyed him lol. But then one day we started chatting on Yahoo Messenger and eventually started to call each other and fell in love, got married and 7 years later here we are  with 4 kids, 3 cats and a dog! I think Kevin actually got 4 tickets in his package deal so if some miracle occurs and I am totally healed I might go.

Sorry no pictures, I am still trying to figure out this iPad app for blogger. To see what we have been up to in pics follow me on Instagram Rainboots80 and I think Imhave a link to it on the right side of my blog.

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