Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013!

Wow! Where did the year go? Seems like it went really fast! We had some ups and downs this past year. 
In January my grandmother passed away. I miss her so much. I miss the way she was when I was growing up. So many good memories with her.
In January we also got our 3 cats off from Facebook rummage sale site. They have really fit into our family really well. Atlas can be a big pain sometimes but he is actually my favorite out of the three. I can't figure out if he is really really smart or really dumb lol.

 In February we got our new stove thanks to Kevin's parents. I thought I would hate glass top but it actually has worked out really nice and I love the double oven!

In March Gabby turned 6 and had a small "makeover" birthday party at home. Easter was in March and the kids went to an egg hunt for Kevin's work.

April was really warm this past year and we were able to spend some nice days outside. The girls had a cute little tea party.

In May we went to the Memorial Day parade and planted flowers on my brothers grave.
At the end of May I also fell off our back porch and hurt my back but didn't realize how hard until a few days later.

In June Avalynn turned 5 and we took her to Knobels Amusement park to celebrate with my Sister Shelly's family. My mom kept Nathan and Kendall home. My back/sciatic nerve hurt some that day but mostly just in my hip.

Also in June I went with Avalynn's class to her field trip to the Discovery Center. By that day my sciatic nerve pain was awful. It was from my back to my foot and throbbing. I took Advil to get me through the day. We had fun and I got to chaperone her and her best friend evie that day.

Later in June we took a trip to Maryland and Washington D.C., Kevin could not come because he had to work. My mom had to drive the whole way because I was on pain killers for my sciatic pain. Although I was in horrible pain most of the trip we did have a good time. We took the kids to the Zoo and got to see all the sites and Nathan loved riding the trains. 

By July I was still having unbearable nerve pain. At the Fourth of July party at my parents I could barely even stand. Had to lay down most of the party. We watched the fire works and besides the pain it was a nice day. We went to the pond quite a bit in July. Swimming seemed to help me a little bit. I was also going to physical therapy.

In August Kevin took the girls to their first NASCAR race at Watkins Glen. My pain finally started to fade. We had our Daugherty family reunion too. 

In September we rode on the train in Wellsboro. Kendall turned one although we celebrated at the end of August with a big party at my parents pond.
Gabby started first grade and Avalynn started Kindergarten. Avalynn had a speech teacher come to our house 3 times a week all summer and she has continued her speech in school. She is starting to talk a lot better. I have seen a big improvement for her lately! Gabby is getting occupational therapy for her writing/grip. 
Nathan was completely potty trained, even at night! Nice to only have one in Diapers!

In October we went to the Pumpkin farm, had a pumpkin carving contest at my sister Shelly's house and went trick or treating!

In November Kevin's parents came to visit and brought their new puppy with them. We had a nice visit and had an early Birthday Party for Nathan so they could celebrate with us. We ate Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Shelly's house.

December Nathan turned 3!
We have had some snow and gone sledding at my sister Shelly's house. 
The kids have all had colds/ear infections and all those yucky things. We had a Wonderful Christmas. Dinner Christmas Eve at my parents house and then a nice time opening gifts wih the kids Christmas Day. I have had a lot of fun playing with the gifts Gabby and Avalynn got. Weaving loom, rainbow loom and trouble game! 

We are going to ring the New year in at home! We wish you all a Wonderful 2014!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Prayers needed

When I was pregnant for Gabby I joined a Huggies diaper forum and met some wonderful ladies on there. One of them started a smaller forum for those who were close. There were probably 50 of us at first. Over the years some things have happened and our group split and then the forum shut down. But some of us are still pretty close and keep in contact daily through a Facebook group. Now one of these dear ladies 5 year old son has just been diagnosed with Leukemia.  I am devastated for the family. No child should have to go through that. I just wanted to ask that anyone reading this please pray for Daniel, his family, doctors, nurses and anyone else involved in his care.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Kendall 1 Year Check up

Kendall had her checkup almost a Month late since she will be 13 Months on Sunday. She had blood drawn to check her Iron and Lead Levels and had a couple shots. She weighed in at 16 pounds 14 ounces (8th%) and 28 Inches (8th%). She can pull up to stand hanging on to things and has tried taking a step but is not really cruising around yet and refuses to take a step if you hold her hands. She can crawl now and even crawl up stairs. She eats pretty well but for the most part still prefers baby foods, yogurt, cheese and dry cereal. She is still nursing also and has some Formula. She does not like Cow Milk which is fine since she is getting Calcium from other sources. She loves crawling around following her sisters and brother. Nathan just loves her and is always hugging her and kissing her. He calls her his baby. Kendall is starting to get a little attitude. If she wants something she will screech and let you know! We have started cutting down on when she can have her pacifier. She has it in the car and when sleeping. She is my only baby who has ever taken one past 6 months and I have to admit it is really nice to have at times!!
Here is a picture of her from today!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back from meeting with Nuerosurgeon

Over the past 3 weeks I have been feeling so much better. My pain level is so low I have not taken anything in at least 2 weeks for it. I still get some pain if I move a certain way or sit more then a few minutes. Pushing a shopping cart really aggravates it. I also still have some Tingling in my leg and foot.

When I saw the Nuerosurgeon today he showed me My MRI results. I have 2 bulging discs and one herniated disc. The herniated one is the one causing all the problems. He described the difference is a bulging disc is like when someone sits on an ottoman and the seat bulges beneath them but does not bust open. A herniated disc is like a jelly doughnut. When you squeeze it and the jelly comes out the hole. So all of what came out that hole is then filling the space where the nerves are and and pinching them. The MRI shows a huge herniation. This will never actually heal but the material that leaked out will dry up.

The good news is that since I am starting to get better he wants to let my body continue to heal itself for now and see how it does. He said that if I had come in 3 weeks earlier with the symptoms I had he would have wanted to do surgery. I still have to restrict all lifting, bending and twisting. Another positive is I can't remember what he called it but the space the nerves and spinal cord run through is very large and healthy so there are no degenerative issues there. I am so happy I don't have to have surgery, I just need to continue my physical therapy.  He said when I go 2 months with no symptoms I can return to a normal lifestyle like it never happened!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

MRI results Part 2

Well I was able to look up my results on my eguthrie account for my MRI and this is what it says. I don't really know what a lot of it means but doesn't sound too good to me.

Provided clinical information: 33 years, Female, "low back pain
radiating down left leg to left foot, symptoms times one month, pain
not improved after physical therapy"
Procedure and materials: Standard protocol.
Contrast: None.
Potential limitations: None.
Comparison studies: None.

The vertebral bodies are normal in height and alignment. There are
mild endplate degenerative changes at L4-L5. Otherwise, marrow signal
appears within normal limits. There is loss of height and signal of
the L2-L3 through L5-S1 intervertebral discs. The conus medullaris is
normal in position and appearance.

Axial images:
T12-L1: No disc protrusion, central canal stenosis or foraminal
narrowing is identified.

L1-L2: No disc protrusion, central canal stenosis or foraminal
narrowing is identified.

L2-L3: There is a mild disc bulge with a superimposed broad-based
central disc protrusion. High T2 signal is seen posteriorly in
keeping with a posterior annular fissure. Mild bilateral facet
hypertrophy is present. This results in mild central canal stenosis.
No significant neural foraminal narrowing is identified.

L3-L4: There is a mild diffuse disc bulge with a superimposed
broad-based central disc protrusion. Bilateral facet hypertrophy is
present. This results in mild central canal stenosis and minimal
neural foraminal narrowing bilaterally, left greater than right.

L4-L5: There is a diffuse disc bulge with a large central to left
paracentral disc protrusion which extends to the left lateral recess.
This measures approximately 1.9 cm in craniocaudal dimension and
appears to impinge upon the traversing left L5 nerve root. Bilateral
facet hypertrophy is present. This results in moderate central canal
stenosis and minimal bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.

L5-S1: There is a diffuse disc bulge with likely a small superimposed
central disc protrusion. No significant central canal stenosis is
identified. There appears to be moderate left-sided neural foraminal

The visualized paravertebral soft tissues appear unremarkable.

Multilevel degenerative changes as described, most advanced at L4-L5
where there is a large central to left paracentral disc protrusion
extending to the left lateral recess which appears to impinge upon
the traversing left L5 nerve root. Moderate left-sided neural
foraminal narrowing is also seen at L5-S1. See above for level by
level details.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

MRI results

The results came back that I have a herniated disc on my L-5. I have an appointment with a Neurosurgeon on August 14th to discuss treatment options. I have been feeling a little better. The pain is less intense. I still have a lot of tingling and weird sensations but I have only had to take pain meds 3 times this past week vs. taking them every 6 hours around the clock before. I am hoping I will be healed before I even go see him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just Some Rambling

Well we are already half way through July! In less then 2 months my baby will be a year old! It has been really hot here. I love it because we have been able to swim a lot and as a bonus it makes my back and Sciatica a little better when I am in swimming. Kevin doesn't like it. He prefers winter and would probably be happy with highs in the 40's.  Even the temperature of the pond is too warm for him. I rather enjoy swimming in bath water temps lol. 

On Saturday Morning I am going to have an MRI for my back. I hope this will show what the problem is.  I think what they are looking for is a herniated disc in my back that may be bulging and pinching a nerve causing the Sciatica. If it is large enough they may do surgery or there are Spinal steroid injections which scare me more then Surgery. I had two shots in the ER last Friday and that was bad enough! I am still praying this will just go away on its own but it has been 11 weeks now and no relief. 

Avalynn turned 5 in June and she now has her first loose tooth. She and Gabby are going to make the poor Tooth Fairy go broke! If their teeth are well taken care of she brings them $5.00 for the first tooth and a two dollar bill for all teeth after the first. Wow and I was always happy when I got 25 or 50 cents lol!  Avalynn has a speech teacher coming 3 days a week to work with her this Summer. So far that is going really well. She is pretty shy with strangers so I was surprised she got used to him so soon. She seems to thrive on one on one time with adults though so I think she likes the attention. Avy is her Daddy's girl. They have a great bond. She wants him to tuck her in every night and hugs and kisses. She is so smart and she knows how to use it to push my buttons. She is so stinking cute with her big dimples it is hard to stay upset with her for very long though. She likes watching shows about fairies and princesses. She loves playing barbies and Legos.

Kendall finally learned to crawl and she hasn't looked back since. Now she has startedchecking out the stairs. I will probably have to put a gate up at the bottom soon so she won't try to go up. She has discovered where Kito's water dish is kept and she loves to splash that all over. We put a baby gate in that door way but the little smarty has figured out how to go the long way around and get in from another room. I might need more baby gates! She has not started pulling up yet but she will get on her knees and look around for things to grab off chairs and end tables. It probably won't be too long. 

Nathan is doing well. He is really a good talker for his age. He is a Mommy's boy and I love when he grabs my arm and says "Cuddle me Mommy" and my arm has to be in a specific spot across his chest or he gets upset. He has finally gotten over Dora and Diego I think. He now likes Jake and the never land pirates but he calls it "Yo ho let's Go" . He loves Helicopters and when he says it sounds like Hela dough dough dough.  He also loves tractors and any other kind of heavy machinery.  Trains are another thing he loves. He always wants to walk to Daddy's work since a train goes right by there. He loves playing in his sand box and pretty much anything that gets him dirty but then when he is done he gets anxious to be cleaned up right away. 

Gabby is my sweet girl. She always wants to help me. Sometimes she can get a little sassy but for the most part she tries her hardest to be good. She is our talker, sometimes your ears hurt when in a car with her, lol. I call her Gabber Jabber Jaw. She is very social and as soon as we get to a play ground she says "I am gonna go find some friends" and she always does make a friend.  She. Has been having a lot of fun on the Trampoline their Grand parents bought them last Christmas. She likes watching shows like "Good luck Charley" and I am ashamed to admit we watch  DVR episodes of "toddlers and tiaras" together on occasion  and talk about the bad behavior of both the kids and adults.  

In August Kevin is going to take Gabby and Avalynn to their first NASCAR race at Watkin's Glen. I am so sad I cannot go. With my back problems I know I could not handle being there the whole day. I barely tolerate walking around a grocery store. :( Kevin and I actually met because of NASCAR. Kevin had a message board I joined and at first I annoyed him lol. But then one day we started chatting on Yahoo Messenger and eventually started to call each other and fell in love, got married and 7 years later here we are  with 4 kids, 3 cats and a dog! I think Kevin actually got 4 tickets in his package deal so if some miracle occurs and I am totally healed I might go.

Sorry no pictures, I am still trying to figure out this iPad app for blogger. To see what we have been up to in pics follow me on Instagram Rainboots80 and I think Imhave a link to it on the right side of my blog.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


My insurance has Pre approved me to get an MRI so hopefully we can finally find the cause of my Sciatica pain. I am a little nervous because this may mean I will need surgery. Saturday Morning is when I will be having the MRI. Then I think a Neurosurgeon will have to go over the results.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family Update

Well I have not been blogging much lately. One reason is because I don't think anyone reads it anyway. Another reason is because I have been dealing with Sciatica and been in a lot of pain most of the time. I have been using my ipad mini to get on the internet and I cannot figure out how to use blogger on there so I had to get on my lap top to write this post. With my Sciatica I can barely sit. Laying down on my stomach is the most comfortable position so I even have to eat on the floor while my family is sitting at the table to eat. I am going to physical therapy and have been seeing a chiropractor and even had an awesome massage but still no relief from the pain. My doctor wanted to do an MRI to see what is causing it but insurance said I have to do 4-6 weeks PT before they would pay and they will only pay if the doctor is going to do surgery or steroid injections into my back. I really don't want to have to do either of those but I will if it comes down to that. I know I cannot live like this the rest of my life. I feel like I can't take care of my kids properly and the house is a mess. Anyway enough about me...

Kevin went to the Poconos NASCAR race in June. He had a good time. Next year I think it would be fun if we could take Gabby and Avalynn to the Watkin's Glen race. It is close to home and I think they might enjoy it and I would like to go to a race again but don't want to go too far away while the baby's are still young. My Van broke down last week and my Wonderful Husband was able to fix it. I am so proud of him for changing the Alternator. Cost an arm and leg but would have been more if we had to have a garage install it.

The kids and I went to Maryland and Washington D.C. June 21-23rd with My Mom, Sister shelly and her family. Kevin had to work and was not able to come with us. My mom had to drive the whole way because I was on my pain killers to be able to bear the ride down there. It was uncomfortable but I survived, lol. Angela is staying in MD this summer doing clinicals to finish up her Master's in Occupational Therapy! Really proud of my baby sister! Her boyfriend Craig also lives there. He was a huge help on our trip. He was our tour guide through the City. We rode the Metro train in and that was Nathan's favorite part of the trip. He is really big into trains right now. We went to the Zoo and the kids loved it even though it was close to 90 degrees that day! The we got back onto the train and went to see all the sites. D.C. is really pretty in my Opinion. It was so hot and we got the kids an Ice Cream and Nathan's melted all over him, yuck. Our Hotel was nice. It had two pools and I think that was Gabby's favorite part of the trip. She is  a little fish and loves swimming! We had a great trip and hope we can do it again some time when Kevin is able to go and my Sciatica is gone so I can enjoy it more!

We are trying to enjoy the summer. It has been raining a lot lately but the temp has been pretty nice. I think Kevin would like it cooler but I like the heat as long as it is under 90 I am ok.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Avalynn!

Avalynn turned 5 on June 1st. We had a small Party for her at my Sister's house the weekend before. Then on her Birthday we took her to Knobels Amusement park. It was her first time going to one. My sister and her family went also. We all had a great time!
Avalynn has done Wonderful in Pre-K this year. She has learned so much and she is getting speech therapy 3 days a week which is slowly helping her to speak better. She is really shy around strangers and hardly ever will talk to them. She has made one friend in school recently.
At home Avalynn is a whole other child. She is off the walls with energy and she knows how to try my patience. She is very independent and strong willed. She knows what she wants and will try to get it. She is smart and can figure a lot of things out on her own. She knows how to do a lot of things that her older sister still has not figured out. She had her 5 year check up and weighs 40 1/2 pounds and is 43 1/2 inches. She is our little Avy Skye and we love her to the Moon and back.
Happy 5th Birthday Avalynn skye!

Around 1 month old

5 Years Old, first ride of the day

She sure is Daddy's Girl

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kendall 7 Months

This is a little late. Kendall turned 7 Months on April 7th. On March 27th She rolled over from her back onto her stomach. She had only done that once before and I think the first time it was an accident. Then on April 16th she finally learned to roll off from her stomach onto her back. She has been sitting for longer periods of time. Sometimes for 2 minutes at a time. It won't be long now before she will be getting into everything! She got her first tooth on April 12th. She has been up all the night before wanting to nurse and in the Morning I noticed the little tooth just popping through her gums. Other then that night it has not seemed to bother her at all. She is always such a happy baby! She loves baby food. She eats just about any kind I give her. So far Her favorites seem to be bananas, squash and peas. The only cereal she has had so far is Oatmeal and I mix that with her bananas. She tried a couple sips of diluted juice but didn't seem to care for that at all.

Gabby's 6 year Check up

Gabby has been sick for the past week or so. First she had an ear infection and went to the doctor and was put on an antibiotic. Then she got a stomach virus that Avalynn and Nathan had also had. The doctor checked her ear and told me that since she only had one day left of the antibiotic left I should stop giving it to her because she is now having diarrhea from the stomach virus and the antibiotic will make worse. Gabby now weighs 60 pounds (95th%) and is 47 1/2 in (85th%). She is big for her age and one of the tallest in her class. So other then being sick the past week she is doing well. She didn't need any shots and is all caught up on them until 6th grade.
Here she is at her appointment in the waiting room.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Avalynn is sick

Poor Avalynn is sick. Yesterday when I picked her up from school her teacher came out holding Avalynn's book bag with gloves on and told me she had just puked all over her bag as she was getting ready to come home. The janitor cleaned it off best he could. When we got home Avalynn continued throwing up. She tried drinking a little and it would come right back up. Her stomach was also hurting her really bad and she had a fever of a little over 100. I made a bed on a cot in my room for her and we went up to bed around 8:00. She kept puking and was writhing in pain so much that she could not lay still and kept climbing off the cot. I was really worried that maybe she had appendicitis or something so I asked Kevin to take her to the ER. I would have gone but I didn't know how long we would be and with Kendall still nursing I would have had to take her also. When they got there they took some blood and gave her something to stop her from throwing up. Then they gave her some fluids through an IV. Kevin and Avalynn got home a little after 2:00 a.m. She seemed a lot better and was able to go to bed and slept until 6:45 this morning. She ate a small bowl of cheerieos and drank some powerade. She has been laying on the couch all day and sleeping on and off. She still has a temp and her stomach is still hurting but so far she has not thrown up since last night.

Avalynn in the ER

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It has been 33 years

One year closer to seeing you again.

R.I.P Nathan. I cannot remember you but I miss you every day brother.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My baby girl turns 6 today!

6 years ago today I became a Mom. I love you Gabrielle Adeline!
14 Months
3 years 6 months
4 Years
5 Years

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gabby's 6th Birthday Party

Last year we took Gabby to an indoor water park to celebrate her Birthday so this year we wanted to keep it simple. We decided to do a Makeover party. Gabby invited her best friend from school, her cousin Natalee and her sister Avalynn. Everyone got a Pig Balloon because that is Gabby's favorite Animal.

  I got some Hello Kitty tin pails from Target. Each pail had a nail polish, makeup, a hello kitty notepad, Hello kitty earrings, necklace and ring that I got from Amazon. I bought each a chocolate bunny from lambert's chocolatier .

The girls got facials

They also had pedicures

Her cake came from Sams club
And she opened her gifts

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring cleaning-part 4

I have to do a major cleaning of the playroom a couple times a month. I actually didn't do a great job today because I had other things I needed to get done. This took 1 hour and 15 minutes. When I do a major cleaning it takes about 3 hours. I took a couple larger toys and put them upstairs for a while just to rotate stuff.
Before pictures
After Pictures

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring cleaning-part 3

Since Gabby & Avalynn were in school and Kevin took Nathan shopping I decided I would do another one of my spring cleaning projects today. I worked on Avalynn's Armoire. Kendall sat in the baby swing and watched me while chewing on her fists which is her new favorite thing to do.

Before picture was taken several days ago and it is a bad picture because I forgot to get the shelf and top in. Just believe me when I say it was a wreck. Click on pics to enlarge.
Everything out
Empty except I was not going to lift that tote out. That is like 500 pounds of summer clothes for the kids, lol
All done and only took about an hour.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

6 Month check up

Kendall still doesn't do a lot of things my other 3 kids could at this age. She doesn't roll over, she cannot sit, she doesn't push up with her hands while on her belly. So I asked the doctor about it but she said she is not concerned with it at this point. She said to just keep letting her have tummy time and to help her roll back and forth. Kendall had 3 shots, next time she goes back at 9 months she will not need to get any. She weighs 14 pounds 7.5 ounces and is in the 19th%. Her height is 25 inches which is 25th%. So she is on the smaller side but proportioned well.
Here is a cute picture I took when she got home from the doctor of Avalynn "Reading" to her.

Spring Cleaning-Part 2

Not sure how many of these I will do but I want to at least get all the closet's cleaned. I did Gabby's this morning and even though I was holding Kendall the whole time it only took me about 45 Minutes to do. I wish it were warm enough that I could put all of this away and put her spring/summer clothes in but it will probably be a couple of months before I can do that. The copy box in the top is full of every paper she has brought home from school this year, lol. At the end of the year I am going to go through it with her and we will only keep her favorites.

This is what I started out with
Everything out, yes this was all packed in there.
Empty closet
All Done

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Cleaning-Part 1

Well I know it is actually not spring yet but I need to get these things done. I started by cleaning out the bathroom cabinet but I did not take pictures of that. Lets just say we found some things in there at the top that were left by the lady who lived here before us and were probably over 20 years old because they were things you would bring home from the hospital after having a baby and her kids are in college!!
Today I wanted to start with the Linen closet in my Laundry room because it has been a mess for quite a while and I knew it would take me a couple hours to do. It did end up taking just over 2 hours.
Click on picture to enlarge.

Here is the before picture! Scary, I know!

I decided the best thing to do was to remove everything so I could sweep and dust
I had to put everything somewhere so I decided to put it in the girls room. Hard to believe all of this was in that closet, even the stuff on the bed! I have been looking for that step stool!

2 hours later and done, now I can find towels when I need them!

What I will be working on next
Gabby's closet! I won't get to it today but hopefully over the weekend.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 Months!!

Half a year has gone by already! Hard to believe! Kendall is still as sweet and mellow as ever. She is a very calm baby. I hardly ever hear her cry but when Kevin is alone with the kids she gives him a hard time sometimes lol. She isn't really doing much yet. She has only ever rolled over one time and then never did it again. She will roll from side to side but not all the way over. She cannot sit yet but she does try to. I don't have her weight and height stats because she goes on the 12th for her 6 month checkup. She is really short though!  She tried baby food for the first time this week. So far she has only had pears. I am going to get some baby cereal and other baby foods over the weekend. I do have a jar of peaches I might try her with tomorrow. She has also started getting a little bit of formula. She drinks about 2 ounces a day. I wanted to make sure she would be okay with it because I am going to use it to mix in her cereal. Also I have a hard time pumping so it is good for her to be able to drink that when I am not around. She has a few patches of Eczema on her face and legs so I have been using Avalynn's cream on that. It seems to be clearing up pretty good. I think she looks quite a lot like Avalynn did as a baby. She doesn't have quite as much hair though.
Here are some pictures of my beautiful baby this morning.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kendall's first bite of baby food

Kendall will be 6 months in a few days so I decided to have her try baby food for the first time today. I didn't have any baby cereal so I started her with Gerber Baby Pears. I think she did good for it being her first food. Here are some pictures and a video.
That is not my Mommy's Milk!
What did you put in my mouth!?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Perfect Timing by Catherine Anderson-Book Review

Perfect Timing by Catherine Anderson

This book was mailed to me before it came out because I was one of the Book Review Team members. I think there were 500 people chosen for this. I am signed up for Catherine Anderson's Newsletters and that is how I heard about it.
This book is a Romance book but in some ways it is also a little bit of a Science Fiction or Fantasy book too.

This book is about a Man named Quincy who has a Sister- in- law Loni who is dying. A druid Woman named Ceara time travels into the future to save Loni's life. Without giving too much away Quincy and Ceara are forced to Marry. Alot of things that Ceara says are funny because not only is she from the past but also from a different Country.

The story has a lot of humor in it. The characters and entire family are very likeable. Some things in this story are so out there that it will be hard to believe that this happened. But of course this is a work of Fiction so it didn't happen. You have to just read it and use your imagination. There are also a few parts with adult themes in them but they are not too graphic that it is still fun.

While reading this you will laugh, perhaps cry and even find out what  a "Hen Party" is.

Although this is not my favorite Catherine Anderson book I would recommend it to anyone who likes Romance stories.

My favorite Catherine Anderson book is Comanche Heart. If you like reading about Indians and the past that is a great one to read!