Only 10 more weeks until my due date. Usually 10 weeks would not seem like such a long time. But when you are getting this near to the end of a pregnancy it can seem like forever! I have not been sleeping well at all. Besides having to get up to use the bathroom at least 9 times a night I just have not been able to get to sleep and stay asleep. I think pregnancy insomnia is the way for a mother's mind and body to get ready to have to wake up every 2 hours with a newborn!
I cannot wait to hold my little baby! I really hope he has dark hair and dark eyes like mine. We are naming him Nathan after my brother who passed away and it would be really nice if he had some of the dark features like him. But all that really matters is that he is healthy!
I am excited and also a bit nervous for his arrival. I am really hoping I can go totally drug free again like I did with Avalynn. That was such a wonderful birth experience and I hope this time it goes that smoothly.